India 2017 – 3rd BRICS Astronomy Workshop and Working Group meeting

India 2017 – 3rd BRICS Astronomy Workshop and Working Group meeting

India hosted the third BAWG meeting, coupled with a workshop on Astronomy Infrastructure and Instrumentation. The theme was influenced by the BRICS Science, Technology, and innovation work plan 2015-18 adopted on 28 October 2015 and modified on 8 October 2016 which among other initiatives suggested “Promotion of the coordination within large-scale research infrastructure to support initiatives leading to efficient use and development of mega-science projects. Relevant Working Group should elaborate appropriate mechanisms, such as BRICS Global Research Advanced Infrastructure Network (BRICS GRAIN).”

The meeting on Astronomy Infrastructure and Instrumentation was held at the Inter-University of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Pune, India from 21-23 September 2017. The workshop brought together astronomers from BRICS countries to report on the existing astronomy infrastructure and instruments with a view to further collaboration on future instrumentation as well as present and future mega projects. In addition, discussions on furthering human resource development in astronomy through the involvement of universities were held.

Schedule Summary for September 2017:

  • 21 September 2017: Day One – BRICS Astronomy working group workshop on Instrumentation and Infrastructure
  • 22 September 2017: Day Two – BRICS Astronomy working group workshop on Instrumentation and Infrastructure
  • 23 September 2017: BRICS Astronomy working group meeting

Material from the 2017 BRICS Astronomy Workshop and working group meeting are available below: